2023 Convict's Cup Croquet Tournament, Norfolk Island

09 August 2023

This week the Kingston Oval has had a busy week, with visiting croquet players. We often watch the rugby league or sometimes cricket games at the old convict historic sports ground. But this week the old Kingston sports ground and cricket pitch area has had approximately 36 teams and about 90 croquet players plus their supporters, with players competing in the Norfolk Island Convict’s Cup 2023 Croquet Doubles Tournament.

The players with mullets in hand and hoops, pegs, and balls, have spent their week playing the game of croquet as well as socialising. During the week, the visitors have enjoyed touring around this beautiful island, exploring Norfolk Island.

Looking back at my earlier articles and the first Norfolk Island croquet tournament was in 2014, and many croquet players have returned to Norfolk Island over the years for the Convict Cup tournament and the last tournament was in June 2022. The visitors all enjoy the company of their fellow croquet players on the Kingston greens.

The weather this week has been a bit chilly with a Southerly breeze, there has been a mixture of cloudy days and sunshine during the week. A tent was set up

on the grounds for shelter for the tournament, plus seating for the spectators. The ocean waves in the background must make for a great setting for a croquet tournament.

The Convict Cup Croquet Tournament games were played 6 August to 10 August, Sunday to Thursday. The Croquet Finals were completed on Thursday, the group then enjoyed a Convict’s Cup Croquet 2023 Presentation Dinner. Congratulations to this year’s winners, I am sure there have been enjoyable games down on the greens at Kingston.

This internet site has the results of the Norfolk Island Convict Cup plus details of Australian Croquet competitions. Norfolk Island Convicts Cup

Norfolk Island Convicts Cup - Croquet Scores

During a radio interview on Tuesday morning, I learnt that Go See Touring has supported the Croquet players with their travel to Norfolk Island. It was also great to hear that croquet equipment has been left here, stored at the Norfolk Island Central School, so if anyone is interested in playing croquet, this equipment is available on request.

I hope the croquet players have enjoyed their week on Norfolk Island. Congratulations to all the winners. We hopefully we see you all again next year, 23 August 2024, for the 10th Anniversary since the Norfolk Island Convict’s Cup commenced in 2014. It is always wonderful to see you all having fun down at Kingston, in the World Heritage Convict Site.

Betty Matthews

August 2023