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31 March 2022
The ongoing sustainability of Norfolk Island is receiving a significant boost through the 2022 Federal Budget, with the Australian Government committing funding to support fit-for-purpose infrastructure and essential services to the Island.
Our Government understands the Norfolk Island community has particular needs due to the territory’s remote location. In the 2022 Federal Budget, we are prioritising the maintenance of critical infrastructure on Norfolk Island.
Funding will be provided for the detailed design of a new wastewater treatment plant. Minister Marino recently visited the wastewater treatment plant and understands these upgrades are necessary to sustain the sewer network. Funding will also be provided to upgrade infrastructure to support containerised freight to the island, and to improve the aging electricity network. Many of these projects will be delivered in partnership with the Norfolk Island Regional Council.
We are also improving the quality and speed of telecommunications on Norfolk Island, with an investment over four years to support faster internet for delivery of education and healthcare services.
The Australian Government, through our strong partnership with Queensland, is continuing to prioritise delivery of essential services for the Norfolk Island community. Over the next four years, we are investing in the delivery of education services, health support services and policy and coordination costs incurred by the Queensland Government, as other services are delivered by Queensland.
Education services include support services at the Norfolk Island Central School, which includes employing ancillary staff and the licence from the NSW Education Standards Authority to use the NSW curriculum on Norfolk Island for 2022 and 2023. We are also continuing to deliver Vocational Education and Training and Distance Education to year 11 and 12 students on Norfolk Island.
Funding will also be provided to the Queensland Department of Health and Metro North Hospital and Health Service to continue supporting the Norfolk Island Health and Residential Aged Care Service, enabling Queensland’s delivery of additional essential services such as allied health, clinical governance, credentialing, public health, community services, telehealth and mental health support.
In addition, we will continue to support the effective administration of Norfolk Island, investing in essential service delivery including court and legal proceedings, the annual audit of the Norfolk Island Regional Council, biosecurity and Argentine ant eradication and Norfolk Island tourism and marketing. These measures will directly support local employment and the tourism industry, which is central to the Norfolk Island economy.
With the delivery of the 2022 Budget, our Government’s focus is firmly on the future of Norfolk Island as we learn to adapt and live with COVID-19, through targeted investment in Norfolk Island’s infrastructure, services and community. For full details on the 2022 Federal Budget, visit
The Hon Nola Marino, Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories and Senator the Hon Zed Seselja, 31 March 2022