Call for Expressions of Interest for the Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area Advisory Committee

04 January 2024

Expressions of interest (EOIs) are sought from people in the Norfolk Island community interested in becoming a community representative (member) on the Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area (KAVHA) Advisory Committee.

The KAVHA Advisory Committee provides expert and community input to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts to guide the management of Kingston.

The committee recently farewelled community representatives Mr David (Dids) Evans and Mr Duncan Evans, who contributed to site management during their eight years of membership. Current committee members are Dr Jane Harrington, Ms Susan Prior, Mr Duncan Edward and Ms Janet Carding. These individuals have made an incredibly valuable contribution to the management and future direction of KAVHA. They are passionate about conserving its heritage and community values, and are dedicated to seeing the site realise its potential for tourism and economic development.

Recognising the need to introduce new skills and ideas, and succession plan for the future, the Department is seeking two replacement community members to join the Advisory Committee.

People with a wide range of interests and backgrounds are encouraged to express their interest in joining the Advisory Committee and represent the views of the community. This includes people with cultural and heritage interests and expertise; people who live, work or operate businesses at the site, people with expertise relating to the natural environment, land use management and planning, or recreational users of Kingston.

The Advisory Committee typically meets quarterly on Norfolk Island and is chaired by the Administrator. Members will be paid daily sitting fees for official committee meeting days.

Interested community members are encouraged to submit an EOI addressing the assessment criteria, including the names and contact details of two referees.

The KAVHA Advisory Committee Information Pack is available at

This page contains additional information about the assessment criteria, assessment process and the Advisory Committee’s operation.

Please email completed EOIs to by 4.30pm on Friday, 19 January 2024.

If you would like to find out more about the KAVHA Advisory Committee, please contact the Department’s on-island team on 23315 or at