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15 February 2024
The Norfolk Island Governance Committee (NIGC) has agreed that the new governance model will be developed in five stages:
Stage one - Establish the foundation for the new governance model: Stage one involves establishing a set of foundational elements upon which the new model will be based
and evaluated, and a methodology and timeline to implement the new governance model. The NIGC will have a virtual meeting on 20 February 2024, following which the
community will be updated on progress, including the foundational elements of the new governance model.
Stage two - Design the new administrative frameworks: This stage involves designing:
- The governing constitution to be enacted under Commonwealth legislation,
- Formal cooperative arrangements with the Australian Government and any agreed service-delivery partners,
- The new revenue model,
- A structured and planned transition to the new model, and
- Other arrangements necessary for the effective administration of the island moving forward.
The NIGC will seek expert advice to aid in developing and modelling these frameworks, aiming at the end of this stage to produce a draft governance model for the
community to consider.
Stage three - Finalise the draft governance model: This stage focuses on refining the draft governance model based on community feedback and stakeholder engagement. It
involves developing clear policy advice for the Minister and the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, which will draft the new Commonwealth legislation.
Stage four - Publish the proposed governance model and an exposure draft of the new Commonwealth legislation: This stage is about making the draft legislation available for
public review and comment prior to its consideration by the Australian Parliament.
Stage five – Elections for the new governing body and implementation and transition to the new governance model.