Community feedback sought on draft wastewater management strategy

28 February 2025

Council has embarked on a community engagement program to provide information about the wastewater management strategy draft document to the community, and to gather feedback that will inform future infrastructure and related environment programs.

The current Water Assurance Scheme (WAS) will require future capital expenditure to replace ageing infrastructure, and there is evidence that points to similar issues with Onsite Wastewater Management Systems (OWMS) on private properties.

The draft strategy addresses the current performance of these systems, taking into consideration current standards and the expectations of the community.

A concerning aspect surrounding the poor performance of OWMS effluent discharge is the contamination of watercourses and groundwater, particularly in the Emily and Slaughter Bay catchments.

Residents are strongly encouraged to view the draft strategy, ask questions of Council staff where needed, and to submit their feedback before the closing date of 28 March 2025.

A drop-in exhibition at Rawson Hall Supper Room is currently open to the public between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday, and between 9am and 12pm Saturdays until the closing date. Community members can read the strategy, view mapping and other visual information, and complete a survey about wastewater issues.

All of this information is also available on NIRC’s website under Documents for Public Exhibition, including the online survey. Feedback can be submitted by email or mail, as detailed on the website.

This is an important step in information-gathering before the next report is presented to Council to recommend the way forward for the future of wastewater management, public health and the environment on Norfolk Island.


Twenty-six applications were received for the Expression of Interest for the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) vacancy, created when Mr Gary Mottau stepped down to take up the Financial Administrator role with Norfolk Island Regional Council.

Kathryn Campbell was one of the final two shortlisted applicants who met the independence and eligibility requirements, and her appointment to ARIC was approved at the February 26 meeting.

Ms Campbell demonstrated an exceptional pedigree in serving numerous boards in Queensland, including water utilities, health services, industry, sports administration and genomics. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Accountants ANZ and a Fellow of CPA Australia and has served as Director and Project Director for businesses specialising in data, cyber security and digital governance.

Mr Gary Mottau welcomed Kathryn to the role and expressed Council’s thanks to all applicants for taking an interest in Norfolk Island’s affairs.

A further motion allowed the appointment of the second shortlisted candidate, Mr Timothy Cronin, in the event of a casual vacancy on the ARIC.


The vigilance of Norfolk Island residents and the consistent dedication of the Argentine Ant Eradication Program (AAEP) team were acknowledged as key factors in the continued success of the program, which has seen no new ant zones identified on the island.

Norfolk Island Regional Council began trials of the new Kermit bait last year, and the new product has proven to be effective in aerial baiting activities.

Sunny, the AAEP team’s detector dog, and her handler continue their work, revisiting areas where the ants have previously been found and treated. Their role is to ensure that any persisting populations are located for further treatment, until the location is free of the pest species.

NIRC staff are currently discussing further funding arrangements for the AAEP for the upcoming financial year to avoid any risk to the continuation of this successful eradication program.


Quarterly reporting on operational activities revealed what keeps our staff busy, and our Customer Care team – the frontline of our organisation – keeps busy serving the community!

As the face of NIRC, this small group of people shares their wealth of understanding and knowledge about Council departments and functions, community services and utilities, and general information about the island with the public and with staff.

A report on the second quarter activities of the 2024/2025 financial year showed that the Customer Care team issued:

  • 606 renewals for motor vehicle registration and 171 new registrations
  • 300 driver licences, split between cars and motorcycles
  • 120 land transactions, of which 61 were land transfers

New software for motor vehicle registration activities was installed and implemented during this quarter, creating a potential risk for service and data during that period. However, the new system has introduced improvements for the customer service staff and created efficiencies for customers.

The Customer Service Manager also provided updates on the directorate’s other services and activities, including courts, registry, the library and radio station, records and tourism.

Quarterly reports can be viewed on NIRC’s website at