Delivery of corrective services on Norfolk Island by Queensland

17 April 2024

Legislation to support Queensland’s future delivery of corrective services on Norfolk Island continues to progress.

In March 2024, the Norfolk Island community was notified that Queensland was progressing changes to its Corrective Services Act 2006 to enable it to deliver this service to people convicted of an offence on Norfolk Island and given a custodial sentence. The Corrective Services (Promoting Safety) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 was introduced into the Queensland Parliament in February 2024. The Bill was then referred to the Queensland Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee for detailed consideration.

On 12 April, the Committee completed its inquiry into the Bill and has published its report online, at

The Bill includes amendments to the Queensland Corrective Services Act to enable Queensland Corrective Services to lawfully detain prisoners from Norfolk Island in line with the Queensland Government’s commitments under the Intergovernmental Partnership Agreement on State Service Delivery to Norfolk Island.

The Committee recommended the Bill be passed and made suggestions for a number of small amendments, unrelated to the Norfolk Island related provisions.

The Committee’s inquiry page, from which submissions may also be viewed, is available at

The Bill has now been added to the list of Government Business for future debate. While a confirmed date is not available for when the Bill may be debated, the Notice Papers setting the agenda for current and recent sitting days can be found at

The Queensland Parliament is live streamed, as well as recorded in Hansard, should you wish to watch or review the debate. Upcoming sitting dates are:

April – 16, 17, 18, 30

May – 1, 2, 21, 22, 23

June – 11, 12, 13, 14

The Norfolk Island community will continue to be kept informed as the legislation progresses.