Doggie Dos (AND DON"TS)

30 July 2024

To help encourage more dog-walkers to do the right thing, three dog waste dispensers and bins have been installed across three locations at Kingston on a trial basis.While most people do the right thing, those who don't make it unpleasant and unhygienic for anyone else walking in the area. 

We make it easy by having the dispensers in these locations:• Between REO and Munnas• The pathway between Emily Bay Lone Pine barbeque area and fairway 8 on the golf course• The cemetery, located just past the gate used to access the grassy barbeque area by car

A big thank you to the KAHVA team, who will handle the proper disposal of all waste in these bins. If these free resources prove to be successful in keeping Kingston clean and beautiful, Council will look at other potential sites for the dispensers.