Electricity Bill Distribution in July 2024 - Quarterly and Monthly

17 July 2024

Norfolk Island Regional Council (NIRC) is distributing quarterly electricity bills (April 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024) as well as monthly electricity bills (June 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024) in July.

Billing System

All customer bills will be produced in the BESY billing system (even for those customers still on a legacy meter). If a service has had a time of use (TOU) meter installed prior to 30/6/2024, bills will be generated from the electronic metering data. Alternatively, accounts with legacy meters have already had their manual meter reading taken by NIRC staff and will be billed accordingly.

Electricity Tariff

Electricity tariffs applied to a customer’s account depend upon the type of meter installed at the service location(s), whether a new time of use meter has already been installed and, if so, the date of its installation. There are three scenarios:

Date of time of use meter installation

Prior to Jan 1, 2024

After Jan 1, 2024 and before Jun 30, 2024

From Jun 30, 2024 onwards

Tariff structure for billing cycle

The dynamic tariff structure will be applied to the service for the entire billing cycle.

The legacy ($0.80/kWh) tariff will be applied to the period when the service had a legacy electricity meter. The dynamic tariff structure will be applied from the installation of the time of use meter through the end of the billing cycle.

The legacy ($0.80/kWh) tariff will be applied to the service for the entire 1/4/24 – 30/6/24 billing cycle.

NOTE: Both legacy and time of use meter consumption information is reported in aggregate terms.