EMNI - 12 November 2021

12 November 2021

Emergency Management Norfolk Island and Norfolk Island Regional Council would like to remind the community of preparations and safety procedures to take during the cyclone season, which is normally from November through to April. Norfolk Island lies in the Eastern Australian Pacific Region for tropical cyclones. However, most of the tropical cyclones that come close to the island form in the Western Pacific tropical cyclone region. The Bureau of Meteorology has provided an outlook for the 2021/22 cyclone season that indicates that there is a 59% chance of more than the average of 4 tropical cyclones forming in the region this season.

The Emergency Management Committee has updated the Cyclone Response Plan for the island and this can be found at http://www.norfolkisland.gov.n... . Over the next two weeks EMNI will be working with the agencies and individuals on the island who are part of the island’s cyclone response to ensure that we are all familiar with the updated plan.

Prior to a cyclone warning being issued by the Bureau of Meteorology, please take the time to

- check over the outside of your house, sheds and outbuildings,

- trim any trees and branches well clear of your house

- clear your property of loose material that could blow about and cause injury and damage in severe winds

- prepare an emergency kit containing for example - portable battery radio, torch with spare batteries, matches, water bottles, dried or canned food, first aid kit and masking tape for windows and a list of emergency phone and contact details

For more information on cyclone preparation and safety procedures, please refer to page 8 of the 2018 Norfolk Island phone book or the Norfolk Island Regional Council website.

There are Cyclone Preparedness posters displayed at various places around the island. Please take the time to read and react to the suggested precautions you can take in the cyclone season.

Thank you for your cooperation, and always remember to “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best”

George Plant Andrew Roach

Chairman / Controller General Manager