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14 December 2023
With just over six months in the role of Administrator, I would like to thank the community for the well-wishes and support provided to us.
The island has had a great year coming together to elect excellent representatives who will develop a bespoke model of governance that can benefit everyone’s interests into the future. In the meetings of the Norfolk Island Governance Committee and its members held so far, it is clear that we have an engaging, compassionate team ready to take on this unique and challenging task.
Visitors to the island this year include participants in the successful Talisman Sabre Exercise, Jim Betts, Secretary of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts and most recently, Her Excellency, United States Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy.
The community has demonstrated their love for this island and extended a welcoming hand to visitors. These visitors have left with the understanding that it is this love for our island home that unites us all, along with our shared commitment to continue living here, in a way that allows us to care for our unique home and pass it on, unspoilt, to future generations.
With this in mind, we look forward to 2024, when we will take advantage of the exceptional opportunity to work co-operatively with our partners, to deliver solutions for historical problems.
Meliame, Mana’ia, and I, wish everyone a terrific festive season, and fulfilling New Year.
George Plant
Administrator of Norfolk Island
December 2023