Enrol to vote for your community representatives on the Norfolk Island Governance Committee

14 September 2023

Have you enrolled to vote yet for the Norfolk Island Governance Committee (NIGC) community representatives election?

Make sure you are enrolled, so you can have a say on who will represent Norfolk Islanders on the new committee. Three community representatives will be elected by residents.

Also, please remember, you will need to complete a new enrolment for this election.

The NIGC community representative election is a community election and will not use any previous electoral rolls.

There is an electoral roll and Enrolment Form specifically developed for the NIGC community representative election process.

Enrolment forms for the election can be found at https://www.austelect.com/elec... or you can get them from the Returning Office on island.

The Returning Office is located in the Old Military Barracks, Building B (second building on the left as you enter the compound). You can also call the Office on 55386. The Returning Officer Neil Manning will be at the Returning Office between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm to accept enrolment forms, or they can be lodged by email or post.

Eligible voters will be able to enrol up to, and including on polling day.

There are pre-polling and online voting options for the NIGC community representatives election.

So be involved, get enrolled and have your say!

George Plant

Administrator of Norfolk Island

14 September 2023