Information Notice Progressing Queensland delivery of Norfolk Island Corrective Services

21 May 2024

Legislation to support Queensland’s future provision of corrective services for Norfolk Island has now passed the Queensland Parliament.

As committed in the Intergovernmental Partnership Agreement on State Service Delivery to Norfolk Island between the Queensland and Australian Governments, Queensland will provide corrective services to Norfolk Island.

At present, Norfolk Islanders convicted of an offence and sentenced to a custodial sentence, serve their sentences in NSW prisons.

On 21 May 2024, the Corrective Services (Promoting Safety) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 was passed by the Queensland Parliament and will be ratified by the Governor in Council in the coming weeks.

The Bill provides the legislative authority for Queensland Corrective Services to lawfully detain prisoners from Norfolk Island.

However, corrective services will not transition to Queensland until a formal agreement and service arrangements are signed between the Queensland and Australian Governments.

The Norfolk Island community will be informed when this agreement takes effect, along with information on transitional arrangements as needed.

Any Norfolk Island prisoner sentenced prior to the commencement of this agreement will continue to be detained in NSW Corrective Services facilities, under the existing arrangements. In addition, any Norfolk Island prisoner currently in a NSW facility will not be transferred to Queensland.

No changes are required to Norfolk Island legislation to effect this new arrangement. The amendments in the Bill have no impact to the criminal law framework or the court system on Norfolk Island.

The Bill can be accessed through the Committee page or directly through the Parliamentary website at Corrective Services (Promoting Safety) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024.