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14 December 2023
The Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories (JSC) has published its report Restoring Democracy – Inquiry into Local Governance on Norfolk Island.
At the formal meeting of the Norfolk Island Governance Committee on 6 December 2023, it was agreed that community consultations will focus on responding to the seven recommendations in the JSC report. Members of the community are encouraged to attend the community engagement sessions held on Wednesdays in the Rawson Hall, Supper Room between 4:00pm and 6:00pm to discuss and comment on the recommendations.
Written submissions are also encouraged and can be lodged with community representatives through or the Office of the Administrator.
In the meantime, work is continuing to develop a bespoke model of governance for Norfolk Island.
The seven recommendations are as follows:.
Recommendation 1
6.112 The Committee recommends that the Norfolk Island Governance Committee incorporate into its terms of reference consideration of the development of a preamble for the establishing legislation that:
Recommendation 2
6.121 The Committee recommends a new bespoke model of local governance for Norfolk Island, to be enacted through Commonwealth legislation after thorough community consultation to define some key aspects of the model.
Recommendation 3
6.127 The Committee recommends that the new governing body include both democratically elected and appointed members with specific expertise in public administration, and that:
Recommendation 4
6.132 The Committee recommends that the Norfolk Island community have a say in the governing body, including that:
Recommendation 5
6.134 The Committee recommends that the first elections for the new governing body should be held prior to December 2024.
Recommendation 6
6.138 The Committee recommends that the governing body be adaptive and supportive of the unique local history and identity of Norfolk Island, and that:
Recommendation 7
6.145 The Committee recommends that the responsibilities of the new governing body and the mechanism for local input into Commonwealth and State responsibilities be clearly defined following the restoration of local democracy on Norfolk Island, including that:
Island Governance Committee for further local consultation and refinement.
The full report can be accessed at the following link: