Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area Advisory Committee August 2024 Meeting Communiqué

29 August 2024

The Advisory Committee for the Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area (KAVHA) met on island on 19 and 20 August 2024, with positive discussions on key matters including mapping of future projects and site usage.

The committee discussed a proposed policy for management of memorials in the KAVHA area. Noting the number of existing memorials and strong community interest in this area, the policy will be further refined and then put out for public consultation in early 2025

Members workshopped the museum storage project, which will see the collections storage consolidated and moved to a suitable facility, in line with approved plans. The committee will reconvene in October virtually to continue this conversation.

Future works were discussed, with risk assessment and building condition reports being key factors in determining project priorities. Two upcoming forward works include the long-awaited Bounty Street Bridge repairs and improving the safety of the greenkeepers shed. More information will be shared as these projects get closer to commencing. The committee also had the opportunity to meet with the KAVHA works team and thank them for their commitment to maintaining and improving Kingston.

The committee considered three requests for research and community programs on site. One, presented by the Cultural Development Association of Norfolk Island (CDANI), proposed an artist in residence program for Kingston. This is aligned with the focus in both the Heritage Management Plan and Site Master Plan on enabling visitor engagement and community use of Kingston. It will be further developed with CDANI.

The committee received a briefing from the Department on water quality issues, ahead of the release of the CSIRO water quality report and supporting community engagement on its findings in coming weeks.

A communications plan for Kingston was endorsed, to provide a framework to guide the department and KAVHA team to keep the community up-to-date on KAVHA news.

The committee was informed that following its earlier review of the draft Heritage Management Plan for Kingston, that the formal statutory approval process and supporting public comment period for the plan is anticipated to commence by October.

The next committee meeting is anticipated to take place on island in late November 2024.

The committee includes community members Susan Prior, Fiona Anderson, George Parsons, Helen Pedel and Simon Bigg and expert members Duncan Edward, Janet Carding and Dr Jane Harrington. It is chaired by the Administrator of Norfolk Island.

For KAVHA site matters, contact the KAVHA secretariat on or on 23315. For further information or discussion, please contact the Office of the Administrator (phone 22152 or email

George Plant

Chair, Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area Advisory Committee