Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area Advisory Committee June 2023 Meeting Communiqué

29 June 2023

The Advisory Committee for the Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area (KAVHA) met on 6 June to discuss a range of issues relating to site management and governance.

Following earlier rounds of community consultations, the final KAVHA Site Master Plan captures the community’s responses and is now finalised and ready for implementation. The Committee reviewed action items in the plan and determined five priority areas:

  • undertaking a museum collection assessment
  • developing tour operator training material and licencing
  • protecting the built heritage and development of a management strategy
  • providing food and beverages on site
  • interpretation of the boatsheds.

The priority areas are broad and need further research and community/stakeholder consultation before finalisation of the approach. The community will be advised of engagement opportunities.

If you wish to read the Site Master Plan, it is available in hard copy at the library and online at

If you have any questions about the SMP, please contact the KAVHA Secretariat:

A review of the Norfolk Island museum collections is being undertaken by museum collections officer, Dr Pauline Reynolds. The committee agreed the information on condition and location of items is imperative for providing direction on how the collections are handled, conserved and curated for the future.

The Committee agreed to place the following four Heritage Management Plans (HMP) on public exhibition for community comments as they are each completed, given they are at different stages of finalisation:

  • Sirius HMP
  • Longridge Arches HMP
  • Government House HMP

The Committee was provided with an overview of water quality issues in Kingston. They heard about emerging scientific data on water quality and acid sulphate soil management, as well as considerations of land use. The committee welcomed the discussion on improving water quality as well as the preservation of heritage values.

Departmental on-island director Mr Grant Anderson presented a refreshed organisational structure for the management of the KAVHA World Heritage Site. The committee reviewed the structure and proposed ways to improve service delivery while approving the positive direction of resourcing to support the site.

The organisational structure will be available on the Kingston website once finalised. Mr Brendon Christian is the KAVHA Site Manager reporting to Mr Anderson. He can be contacted through the KAVHA secretariat or on 23315.

Heather Bruce supports both Mr Anderson and Mr Christian with heritage and governance co-ordination.

Mr Christian led the committee on a tour of the Old Military Barracks. These buildings have been refurbished including improving court amenities, required maintenance and painting all external buildings in the precinct.

The Chair of the KAVHA Community Advisory Group, Mrs Helen Pedel updated the committee members on the group’s recent discussions, highlighting the need for more effective communication with the broader community about changes occurring in Kingston. The committee strongly agreed and requested the department consider ways to improve communications with the community on proposed works and events.

The Advisory Committee includes three community members (Duncan Evans, David ‘Dids’ Evans and Susan Prior), three expert members (Duncan Edward, Janet Carding and Jane Harrington) and is chaired by the Administrator of Norfolk Island.

The next Committee meeting is scheduled for September 2023.

For further information or discussion, please contact the Office of the Administrator (phone 22152 or email

George Plant

Chair, Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area Advisory Committee