Norfolk Island Governance Committee - Communique

18 October 2023

The Norfolk Island Governance Committee (NIGC) met for the first time today at the Old Military Barracks in Kingston.

NIGC members include the three democratically elected community representatives Chris Magri, Alma Davidson and Chelsea Evans, the Administrator of Norfolk Island George Plant, Australian Government representative Sarah Vandenbroek and Queensland Government representative Elisa Terry.

Proceedings began with the election of the Administrator as Chair to the NIGC. The Terms of Reference were agreed and will be publicly available in the next week.

The NIGC also agreed to its operating guidelines and discussed training and support for members. In conjunction with the Norfolk Island community a cultural awareness program will be developed as a resource for Australian Government officials and staff working on Norfolk Island programs and services.

The NIGC discussed a future governance model as the key priority of its future work plan, which will be settled in coming weeks. Detailed information is being prepared for the NIGC on the existing legislative framework, government services and funding arrangements.

The earliest reinstatement of a Preamble to the Norfolk Island Act will be progressed by NIGC members in consultation with the community. Other immediate areas of focus include the Land Transfer Ordinance 2016, the Norfolk Island Plan review, KAVHA governance, population levels and strategy. In relation to population, the NIGC resolved to seek further information on Norfolk Island’s current population numbers and trends.

Community representatives are developing a community engagement program which will be widely promoted once finalised. Communiques and other public information about the NIGC will be distributed through Norfolk Island media and online at .

Contact or the community representatives directly on,, and

Wednesday’s meeting concluded with the Prayer of John Adams and it was resolved that the Prayer will begin each formal meeting of the NIGC.

NIGC members achieved consensus on matters discussed and were encouraged by the productive nature of the inaugural meeting. A series of informal meetings will take place prior to the next formal NIGC meeting on 6 December 2023.