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29 August 2024
The Norfolk Island Governance Committee (NIGC) met on island and virtually on 28 August 2024, discussing timelines and key milestones for community engagement and information-sharing as the new governance model is decided.
The Minister for Territories is continuing to consider the proposed key elements for the new body recommended by the NIGC. This is anticipated to take a number of months – however a decision of Government on the overarching framework for the new model is expected before the end of the year.
The Committee is adjusting the timeline and its work plan and is factoring in opportunities for the Committee to meet with groups and conduct community workshops to discuss aspects of the model as the details are released.
The NIGC community representatives have commenced seeking feedback from the broader community on the proposed Preamble to be reinstated.
The elected representatives will also be undertaking conversations in the weekly community meetings and individual engagements to share more information on the proposed elements of the new body, including its structure and recommended law-making powers.
The proposed draft Preamble is available at and feedback should be provided by 18 September 2024. Feedback can be emailed to or given directly to the community representatives.
Attendees at the meeting included the three democratically elected community representatives Chris Magri, Alma Davidson and Chelsea Evans, the Administrator of Norfolk Island George Plant, Australian Government representative Sarah Vandenbroek and Queensland Government representative Rachel Welch.
Community engagement by the community representatives continues each Wednesday, from 4-6pm at the Supper Room.
Communiques and other public information about the NIGC will be distributed through Norfolk Island media and online at https://www.norfolkislandgover... or on DITRDCA’s website
Contact or the community representatives directly on