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26 October 2023
What do we need?
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts is looking for entrepreneurs to provide food and beverages from one or more sites in Kingston over the coming summer months (until April) and cruise ship days.
Every idea will be considered, no matter how big or small
What’s in it for you?
Why are we offering this opportunity?
The Kingston Site Master Plan was completed earlier this year and its recommendations are now being put into action. The Site Master plan is available at the library or online: Public consultation, projects and publications | Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area (
Project 5B, Food and Beverage in the Plan requires the department to test interest, through an EOI process, from potential operators for the provision of food and beverages in the site.
What do I need to submit?
Your proposal should include:
How will my proposal be assessed?
The Kingston team and KAVHA Advisory Committee will treat all proposals as commercial-in-confidence and assess each proposal individually on ease of implementation, frequency of service, service offering and need for support from the department.
Successful proposals will be required to enter into a site use agreement and apply to Council for necessary permits. All power costs are to be paid by the provider.
Please send your expression of interest for this exciting opportunity to by 10 November 2023 by 5pm.