Queensland to deliver corrective services for Norfolk Island

28 June 2024

From 1 July 2024, Queensland will provide corrective services for Norfolk Island. Previously, Norfolk Islanders who received a custodial sentence or were remanded in custody were detained by NSW. As previously communicated to the Norfolk Island community, legislation supporting Queensland’s provision of corrective services for Norfolk Island passed the Queensland Parliament in May of this year. Formal agreement and service arrangements have now also been settled between the Queensland and Australian Governments, allowing for the transition of the service. Any Norfolk Islanders remanded in custody or receiving a custodial sentence from 1 July 2024 will serve their sentence in a Queensland Corrective Services facility. 

Norfolk Island prisoners sentenced prior to 1 July will continue to be detained in NSW Corrective Services facilities, under the existing arrangements. Norfolk Island prisoners currently in NSW facilities will not be transferred to Queensland. We thank the NSW Government for its provision of corrective services for Norfolk Island and its support during the transitional period. No changes are required to Norfolk Island legislation to effect this new arrangement. 

The transition will not impact the criminal law framework or the court system on Norfolk Island. The provision of corrective services by Queensland is in line with commitments made in the Intergovernmental Partnership Agreement on State Service Delivery to Norfolk Island between the Australian and Queensland governments. Queensland Corrective Services manages the adult prison system in Queensland, including accommodation of sentenced and remanded prisoners