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25 February 2022
The Norfolk Island Regional Council (NIRC) acknowledges the key role that education and training provides in building a strong and empowered future for the Norfolk Island community.
The Tertiary Education Bursary Program recognises that accredited tertiary and vocational studies are not readily available on Norfolk Island. This Program funding is established to assist with the cost of travel to the mainland and/or study expenses for enrolled students.
The Program applies to tertiary education in a nationally accredited vocational course, this includes courses delivered by TAFE’s, Universities, Apprenticeships or other registered training organisations (RTO).
The objective of the Program is to encourage young adults to develop their skills to improve their prospects for employment. Adults already in the workforce who wish to upskill or seek formal qualifications for an existing competency are also able to access this support.
The Program guidelines and application forms are available on the Councils website at link
Applications open on Wednesday 23 February 2022 Wednesday 16 March 2022 .
Questions about the Program can be directed to and close 4pm (NI time) on Leanne Webb (Manager Customer Service) on telephone +672 3 22001 ext.120 or, by email
Leanne Webb
23 February 2022