Update on Norfolk Island air services arrangements

12 January 2023

The Australian Government has extended the arrangement with Toll Remote Pty Ltd for air freight services to Norfolk Island through to 30 June 2023.

Toll flights will continue to arrive on Norfolk Island, on average, three times per fortnight.

The Australian Government underwrites a regular air freight service to Norfolk Island to help meet the island’s demand for essential, time-sensitive freight. The ongoing availability of freight to Norfolk Island is a key priority of the Government, helping to meet the needs of Norfolk Island residents and visitors.

For the current flight schedule please visit www.burntpinetravel.com/scheduled-air-freight-services, or for booking enquiries, contact Burnt Pine Travel (cargo@burntpinetravel.nf or phone from Australia on 1800 501 128, or from Norfolk on 22247) or your preferred freight forwarder.

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts is currently finalising the procurement process for a long-term supplier for air passenger services to Norfolk Island.

Existing passenger flight service arrangements will apply until an announcement is made regarding the outcome of the procurement process.

Any questions about the procurement process can be made in writing to NI_Procurements@infrastructure.gov.au.