People Soldiersetc book of Kitty 1793

People Soldiersetc book of Kitty 1793


Product Description

"Uncertainty and discontent had descended upon the settlers of Norfolk Island by 1793. There had been major blunders in the original allotment of lands, requiring a redrawing of most boundaries, even requiring replacement land issued in some cases, leaving many feeling 'short changed'. Some were struggling with the change of life from soldier to farmer, and there had been a recent change in Governor on the Island and a new Victualling Book started. Relief of the large NSW Corps Detachment on was due, involving the exchange of over sixty military personnel and family, most never having been on the island before. Corps Headquarters had also been recruiting far a new company which was being raised on the NSW mainland and offering enlistment bounties. 

This proved too tempting for some of the marine farmers struggling to become farmers, resulting in the departure of a cross section of these with their families from Norfolk Island aboard the Kitty in March 1793. The details of this turning point in the early history of Norfolk Island have never been covered in any detail before. This publication not only includes information on all persons departing the island in this era, but also numerous explanatory notes and connected persons."