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Pitcairn Tapa: 'Ahu no Hitiaurevareva
There is a forgotten chapter to the Bounty story.
It begins here.
The tapa cloth of Pitcairn Island illuminates the forgotten story of the Polynesian women of HMS Bounty. Pitcairn Tapa: 'Ahu no Hitiaurevareva rediscovers their beautiful bark cloths from museum archives around the world. These cloths are the surviving material evidence of those courageous women's lives. this book gives remarkable insights into the Pitcairn language and its evolution.
Pauline Reynolds is a descendant of those women and is the leading authority on Pitcairn tapa. Her insights are unique amongst descendants and academics. The linguistic analysis of the evolution of Pi'kern (the Pitcairn language) from Tahitian in those early days along with specialist cultural knowledge is ground-breaking.
Her book offers new insights into one of the world's most remarkable tales of survival; the story of the Polynesian women of HMS Bounty. This is a bilingual edition (English and French) and is the first in a series.